Dakar Triptych
Dakar Triptyque 2012
Dakar-triptyykki 2012

Teemu Mäki
Nicodem Natrang, Bakary Sarr, Kiila Sarr,
Thierno Seck, Mady Sima, Mouhamadou Bamba Toure.

Acrylic on canvas, 300 x 700 cm (three panels, 300 x 200 cm each).
Painted by Senegalese artists with me in Dakar, April–May 2012.
I was resident artist at RAW – Raw Material Company
– for a month to do this. It was first exhibited in the
Dakar Biennale (Dak'art 2012) in May–June 2012.

To see a more detailed reproduction of the work click THIS

A text in the painting (written onto the left panel of the triptych):


Earth's fish stocks are disappearing, because of overfishing. 30% of sea fisheries have already collapsed.

Along the cost of Senegal, the fish catches are now only 20% of what they were 10 years ago. This is catastophic, because the Senegalese get 70% of their protein from fish, and fishing and fishing related functions give jobs to 20% of the working people of Senegal.

Overfishing is not done by the Senegalese, it's the international super-trawlers and floating fish factories that are plundering the waters close to Senegal.

There are no international fishing agreements that would effectively limit overfishing. But there are effective barriers around Europe that prevent illegal immigrants – like jobless Senegalese fishermen – from entering EU.


Les Stocks de poissons de la Terre disparaissent, en raison de la surpêche. Il existe déjà une perte de 30% de la pêche en mer.

Sur le long des côtes sénégalaises, les captures de poissons ne représentent plus que 20% de ce qu'ils étaient il ya 10 ans. Cette situation est catastrophique car 70% des protéines d'un sénégalais émanent du poisson et de la pêche, de plus les fonctions liées à la pêche assurent un emploi à 20% de l'ensemble des travailleurs du Sénégal.

La surpêche n'est pas faite par les sénégalais mais par les super-chalutiers internationaux et les usines flottantes qui pillent les eaux proches au Sénégal.

Il n'y a aucun accord de pêche international qui pourrait limiter la surpêche, mais il existe des barrières effectives tout au long de l'Europe interdisant les immigrations illégales de pêcheurs sénégalais victimes du chômage créé par le manque de poissons.


Maapallon kalakannat kuihtuvat liikakalastuksen vuoksi. Merialueilla on jo nyt 30% vähemmän kalaa kuin aiemmin.

Senegalin rannikolla kalasaaliit ovat vain 20% siitä mitä ne olivat 10 vuotta sitten. Tämä on katastrofi, koska senegalilaiset saavat 70% proteiinistaan kalasta ja koska kalastus ja siihen liittyvät toiminnot ovat tähän asti työllistäneet joka viidennen senegalilaisen työtätekevän.

Liikakalastukseen eivät syyllisty senegalilaiset, vaan Senegalin rannikkovesiä tyhjentävät kansainväliset supertroolarit ja kelluvat kalatehtaat.

Ei ole kansainvälisiä sopimuksia, jotka tehokkaasti rajoittaisivat liikakalastusta. Mutta Eurooppaa suojaavia muureja on, niitä jotka estävät laittomia siirtolaisia – kuten vaikkapa työttömiksi jääneitä senegalilaisia kalastajia – pääsemästä Eurooppaan.

Sources / Lähteet:
Act!onaid: SelFISHEUROPE – How the Economic Partnership Agreements would further contribute to the decline of fish stocks and exacerbate the food crisis in Senegal

Ranta, Kukka:"EU kalavarkaissa", 13.4.2012

Said, Edward: "The Clash of Ignorance", The Nation, 22.10.2001

Vidal, John:"Seven steps to prevent the collapse of west Africa's fishing grounds", The Guardian, 2.4.2012

Vidal, John:"Is the EU taking its over-fishing habits to west African waters?", The Guardian, 2.4.2012

Vidal, John:"Senegal's fishing community will act on foreign fleets if government doesn't", The Guardian, 2.4.2012

World FishCenter: Fish Supply and Food Security in Africa

WWF: Meren herkkuja – kuluttajan kalaopas

The group at work on the triptych at the Municipal Cultural Center of Grand Yoff neighborhood in Dakar:


Bakary, Thierno, Bamba, Mady and Natrang. Kiila (and I) are missing from this group photo.

Here we are talking about the triptych with the head of cultural administration
(she's the woman in a beautiful dress) of the area, with her entourage and with some of my painters.

The triptych on display in the Nordic Pavillion Dakar Biennale, May 2012.

The triptych exhibited in ANTIDOTE 7– Collective Painting,
Gallery Jangva, Helsinki, Finland, September-October 2013.

This collective painting project was a collaboration between Dak'Art 2012, RAW
and Aalto University's Department of Art.

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